Database Tools Documentation Status Updates

A set of command line executable and script importable tools to aid the Snapper Lab in managing and combining RedCap, FreezerPro, and other databases.


  • TODO

Install for Development

  1. Install and become familiar with conda/Anaconda.
  2. Fork the repository to your github by clicking here.
  3. Clone your forked repo to your dev computer: git clone
  4. Enter your freshly cloned Database Tools directory: cd db_tools.
  5. Run make help to see most of the make targets available.
  6. Running make install. This creates and registers a conda environment named db_tools. Into that conda environment, it installs all of the needed libraries to run and develop Database Tools.
  7. To uninstall your dev environment just run make uninstall-conda-env. All traces of the environment should be erased.
  8. Remember to activate the conda env before you try to use or interact with Database Tools or you will not have access to it.


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the xguse/cookiecutter-pypackage project template which is based on audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage.